Tip Of The Week - May Recap

Coach Monika says… Week 1: Right or wrongly so, societal perception is that people with ‘good and poised’ posture are generally more dynamic, more fit, more impressive, and therefore assumed to be more successful. So, keep working on it! Week 2: Incorrect or faulty (bad) posture, core weakness, hip and pelvic instability affect our daily function, personal health, overall life quality (our general well-being) and of course, any physical activity or sports performance. Week 3: Young athletes, no matter the sport, should be checked for correct posture in the beginning of each season because postural flaws impact skill and technique learning. If needed, corrective or remedial exercises need to be implemented into programs. Athletes also need to understand that this becomes a daily ‘habit’ not a 'chore'! It takes time to improve incorrect posture! Week 4: Young athletes in the growth and development phase should be monitored throughout the season because sudden growth spurts greatly affect sport performance. Programs and exercises need to be adjusted to avoid injuries and frustrations.


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