Challenge Your Thinking!

Woodrow Wilson once stated ”I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow.” Stay tuned because our newsletter series is not an “academic showdown” but a much-needed proposition to challenge your thoughts as coaches.The first series of the newsletters will elaborate more exclusively on the reasons for “building a program and a personal coaching philosophy.” Your answers have a major impact upon the lives of the sport participants. The Task of Developing the Program and Coaching PhilosophyWith that in mind we want to begin with some major philosophical questions or reflections because these form the essence of sport in general. Let’s now look at the factors of an operational and effective philosophy: 1. Planning the program for success and longevity2. Fostering the success and the overall well-being of the sports participants3. Establishing and modeling effective coaching attitudes4. Acquiring personal coaching style(s)5. Acquiring and implementing effective leadership style(s)6. Acquiring and implementing effective management style(s)7. Developing effective coach– athlete communication and relationship8. Establishing the proper ‘developmental model’ for the athletes9. Planning each season and a long-term objectives10. Planning daily sessions11. Skill selection for specific age groups of participants12. Selection of progression and drills for skills13. Implementation of functional and motor fitness for athletes14. Selection of enrichment or cross-training activities15. Creating the proper knowledge base for the coach and the athlete(s)16. Establishing a value system (ethics and conduct) acceptable to the coach and the athletes17. Developing athletes’ attitudes and moral reasoning powers18. Developing athletes’ self-image, self-esteem, self-confidence19. Preparing athletes for competition20. Preventing injury and providing a safe sports environment21. Seeking nutritional education and establishing healthy eating habits for athletes22. Integrating social activities23. Fostering parent – coach communication24. Continuing to educate oneself and the coaching staff(Schloder & McGuire, 1998) 


It's All About The Attitude!


Tip Of The Week - May Recap