Tip of the Month - January

Coach Monika Says…

Including Postural Exercises to Enrich Your Training Program

According to medical researchers and experts in the field, postural habits of children and youth, including our athletes of course, are deteriorating to a critical stage. The increase of faulty posture is attributed to the high level activities with technology and computer work. By the way, coaches should participate in those exercises as well because: a) many of us have poor postural habits; b) increases health benefits; and c) motivates athletes, as we are role- modeling. Coaches still make corrections while participating. It really worked for me AND kept me in better shape!

For the next months, I will provide exercises that you can incorporate into your programs: 

Series 1

1. Upright Stance



Stand upright, feet parallel and slightly apart, face forward, head centered, arms extended alongside body, back straight

Note: Inhale through nose-Exhale through mouth


Tighten the core, tighten buttocks, pull in stomach, depress shoulders (pulling downward), hold 8 counts, pull shoulders up to ears, hold 8 counts, pull shoulders downward, hold 8 counts, 8-16 repetitions, and relax


Same Exercise: Perform while sitting upright on a chair, arms alongside chair to relax at the computer station as a ‘break’ or during studies!

2. Sideways Head Turn

Schlots:Users:monikaschloder:Desktop:Jan019:Jpgs:Head 1.jpeg

Refer to Exercise #1


Stand upright, feet parallel and slightly apart, face forward, head centered, arms extended alongside body, back straight

Note: Inhale through nose-Exhale through mouth


Tighten the core, tighten buttocks, pull in stomach, head centered, turn head to R, chin over R shoulder, hold 8 counts, return to center, turn head to L, chin over L shoulder, hold 8 counts, and relax; repeat, and pull shoulder up to chin on R, hold 8 counts, pull shoulder downward, hold 8 counts, pull shoulder up to L chin, hold 8 counts, pull shoulder downward, 8-16 repetitions, and relax


Same Exercise: Perform while sitting upright on a chair, arms alongside chair to relax at the computer station as a ‘break’ or during studies!

3. Body Bridge


Assume supine position on floor (on back), feet parallel and together close to buttocks (ideal 90-degress), face forward, head centered, arms extended alongside body, back aligned

Note: Inhale through nose-Exhale through mouth


Tighten the core, using arm support elevate body off floor, shoulder to knee alignment, hold 8 counts, lower body to floor, hold 8 counts, and relax; repeat, 8-16 repetitions, and relax


Same Exercise: lift R leg to vertical, keep body flat (‘lush’) on floor, return leg, 8-16 repetitions, repeat, L leg, or alternate legs


Tip of the Month - February


Take a Break - Trade in Technology for Music