Tip of the Month - February

Coach Monika Says…

Including Postural Exercises to Enrich Your Training Program  

As stated in January Tip of the Month, medical researchers point to the fact that postural habits of children and youth - including our athletes of course - are reaching a critical stage. Accordingly, the increase of faulty posture is attributed to the high level activities with smartphones and computer work.

The illustrations below show correct posture (L side) and two prominent postural flaws: the rounded back or slouching shoulder syndrome and the swayback position (Center and R side). Obviously, any postural deviation (from correct body alignment) is going to affect skill learning as well as optimal and maximal performance no matter the sport. Coaches can design multitude of physical and technical drills BUT postural flaws – if not corrected though corrective (remedial) exercises – are going to impact sport performance and impede personal success.


Here is Series 2 with exercises that coaches can incorporate into conditioning programs, Warm-up or Cool-down sessions.

Series 2

1. Diagonal Forward Body Lean – Backward Body Lean on Toes

Schlots:Users:monikaschloder:Desktop:Posture:Feb:2 FWD Lean.jpg
Schlots:Users:monikaschloder:Desktop:Posture:Feb:3 BKLeanonToes.jpg

Diagonal Forward Body Lean


Stand upright, feet parallel and together, face forward, head centered, arms extended alongside body, back straight

Note: Inhale through nose – Exhale through mouth


Tighten the core, keep legs straight, tighten buttocks, pull in stomach, depress shoulders (pulling downward), lean upper body (trunk/torso) forward at the diagonal, extend arms overhead at the diagonal, head centered between arm, body alignment fingertips-shoulders-back-hips, maintain position, hold 8 counts, return to upright standing, and relax, 8 repetitions


Same Exercise: move arms to sides parallel to floor, return arms to diagonal overhead, maintain position and body alignment

Backward Body Lean on Toes


Stand upright, feet parallel and together, face forward, head centered, arms extended alongside body, back straight

Note: Inhale through nose – Exhale through mouth


Tighten the core, bend knees slightly, tighten buttocks, pull in stomach, depress shoulders (pulling downward), lean upper body (trunk/torso) backward at the diagonal, rise on toes, extend arms overhead, head centered between arm, body alignment head-shoulders-back-hips-knees, maintain position, hold 8 counts, return to upright standing, and relax, 8 repetitions

2. Kneeling Body Lean Backward Body – Hand Support on Floor

Schlots:Users:monikaschloder:Desktop:Posture:Feb:4 BK Lean.jpg


Kneel upright, knees together, face forward, head centered, arms extended alongside body, back straight

Note: Inhale through nose – Exhale through mouth


Lean upper body/trunk backward with straight arm support, hands flat on floor, fingers point toward feet, tighten the core, tighten buttocks, pull in stomach, body alignment head-shoulders-hips-thighs, knees, maintain position, hold 8 counts, rise to upright kneeling position, and relax, 8, repetitions

3. Rounded Back – Flat Back – using Soccer Ball for Back Awareness

Schlots:Users:monikaschloder:Desktop:Posture:Feb:1a BodyCurlwBall 2.jpg
Schlots:Users:monikaschloder:Desktop:Posture:Feb:1b FlatBKwBall.jpg

Rounded Back with Ball


Stand upright, feet parallel and slightly apart, face forward, head centered, holding ball low in front of and close to center of body, back straight

Note: Inhale through nose-Exhale through mouth


Bend knees slightly, tighten the core, bend upper body forward over ball held close to body, curl back forward, curl head downward, maintain curled back for awareness of rounded back position, hold 8 counts, rise to stand, holding ball low in front of and close to body, and relax, 8 repetitions

Flat Back with Ball

Stand upright, feet parallel and slightly apart, face forward, head centered, holding ball low in front of and close to center of body, back straight

Note: Inhale through nose-Exhale through mouth


Bend knees slightly, tighten the core, bend upper body forward to L-position, back flat and parallel to floor, body alignment head through hips, maintain flat back for awareness of flat and correct back position, hold 8 counts, rise to stand, holding ball low in front of and close to body, and relax, 8 repetitions


The Relative Age Effect: How Does It (Dis)Advantage Young Athletes?


Tip of the Month - January