Getting Ready to Return to Sports? Tips for Purchasing New Footwear For Your Athlete…

I received this email from TrueSport several weeks ago. This is a good topic because more and more teams and athletes are starting up their Fall programs. The original article is written by Dr. Michele LaBotz, an affiliate with TrueSport as a physician in sports medicine. The original article has been modified somewhat by Coach Schloder.

According to LaBotz, choosing a sport shoe is never easy, but it is critical to an athlete’s performance and physical wellness. She provides recommendations to find the right footwear for your athlete. She states, selecting the correct footwear for young athletes can be frustrating and confusing given constant foot growth, the availability of different shoes for different sports, and the vast variety of styles and pricing. Choosing the right footwear should depend upon performance and protection. We want to have the foot working hard enough that it has to stay strong and flexible but we also want to protect the foot and the athlete.”

Considerations for Decisions When Shoe Shopping

Training on Turf? Get Proper Shoes!

If one is new to sport, one might think that turf shoes or soccer cleats for eight-year-old feels like a bit much of a bother. However, depending upon the sport and the playing surface, the appropriate shoe really does matter, and many leagues have specific rules regarding required footwear. According to LaBotz “If you have a young athlete who’s running pretty fast on grass or turf, then they need to be in the right type of shoe to minimize injury risk."

Is Any Foot Problem?

If the athlete isn’t complaining about discomfort or foot problems, there is probably no need to spend too much time fixing their stride. If a child has good running mechanics, has a healthy weight, and is not having any issues, there should not be too many worries about buying ‘pricey’ shoes,” LaBotz says. Instead, look for shoes that feel comfortable and simply get new pairs as they outgrow the old ones.

However, if there is a pattern of injury, an evolution of injury, or continuous discomfort, then attention needs to given to the shoe the athlete is wearing, she notes.

There’s No Perfect Shoe!

Regrettably, there’s no singular shoe or shoe brand that stands out as The Best. At one time, coaches would recommend a specific shoe that all athletes on the team should get. But now, there is a much more individualized approach to shoes. “It sounds simplistic but really the main thing to look for is comfort,” LaBotz says. “After that, one should look for shoes that protects potentially vulnerable areas though comfort is still top priority.”

Watch for Heel Pain!

“We need to be sensitive about heal pain in young athletes,” states LaBotz. Too much impact over that area, particularly during times of rapid growth, can cause a stress injury through the growth plate in the heel known as Sever’s Disease.

LaBotz has seen a lot of these cases recently, and notes that taking care of it early is important. “If an athlete is starting to get some pain in the heel, get some silicone heel cups or cushions to relieve some of the strain. This is especially important in shoes without cushioning, like soccer cleats. There are also braces with built-in heel pads that athletes in barefoot activities, such as gymnastics and dance, can use. Swimmers perform their Warm-up activities on concrete pool Decks and therefore need sturdy shoes not those flimsy flip-flops or in workout in bare feet.

 * * Note: Sever's disease (also known as calcaneal apophysitis) is one of the most common causes of heel pain in growing children and adolescents. It is an inflammation of the growth plate in the calcaneus (heel).   

Heading to the Shoe Store? Check a Video and the Internet

Most parents aren’t able to assess whether their athlete is over-pronating, but a running store typically has staff on hand to help make that assessment. This condition is more at risk of shin splints, Achilles’ issues, and knee pain, but the right shoes can help provide support. Before you head to the nearest running store, grab a video of your athlete running for their sport, which will be the most accurate representation.

* Note: Pronation is the way the foot rolls inward when walking and running. Some people pronate more (over-pronation) or less (under-pronation) than others. The conditions are not the result of an injury, but rather caused by the height of the arch and the ‘gait cycle.’


When the Price is Not an Issue!

There are plenty of good shoe options at budget stores, so parents should not worry if the their finances do not allow spending $200 for new shoes. Instead of continuing to drop money on expensive shoes, it is recommended to see a physical therapist or sports medicine doctor for assessment and advise.

Shoe Laces Can Change the Shoe Fit

Shoelaces can be used to alleviate pressure in certain parts of the foot depending on how loose or tight they’re laced. One can however change the lace configurations to help an athlete avoid the hotspot. That’s the reason actual shoelaces are preferable over Velcro options, even if Velcro is speedier. If the athlete is having a lot of pain through the arch or the top of the foot, they can experiment with different lacing patterns before changing shoes entirely, LaBotz says.

Go Minimal as Possible

It is true that some athletes need shoes with more cushioning and more heel lift. But if the athlete is comfortable in a shoe that’s very minimal, then don’t add unnecessary support. “Don’t worry if it seems like their foot is getting wider. “A broad foot is really good at shock absorption, says LaBotz. Regardless of the shoe they wear during sport, I’m a huge fan of letting kids go barefoot whenever it’s safe and comfortable. Building up that foot strength is important.”

Wearing Socks Matters

When considering your athlete’s shoes, make sure they’re wearing the socks that they’ll wear with the shoes as they try new pairs on. It may not make much of a difference, but if your athlete goes to school in thin low-rise socks but will be wearing thicker sport-specific socks for practice, that can change the comfort (and even size) of the shoe they need. LaBotz also warns against using cotton socks with synthetic shoes, unless the athlete wants a soggy, potentially bacteria-laden sock after a sweaty practice.

When to Replace Shoes

Do not buy shoes that are too big in anticipation that the athlete will “grow into them,” and similarly, replace shoes as the athlete outgrows them and they become uncomfortable. If their toenails are turning black, they need new shoes. Another sign is if the athlete is suddenly getting blisters. “Breaking in new shoes may cause blisters for a few wears, but if the athlete is getting blisters in old shoes, it’s time to change,” says LaBotz.

“In the past, we’d always look at the at the tread of the shoe. But due to new technology, treads are lasting for much longer, LaBotz adds. So, “examine the

midsole instead. Look for cracks and folds and see if the midsole material is collapsing down. Midsoles break down faster than any other part of the shoe now.”


LaBotz, M (2021, August 3). How to choose footwear for youth athletes. Retrieved August, 31, 2021,


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