Tip of the Week - September Recap

Coach Monika says…

Do You tend to worry a lot?

Week 1: 

  • There is no shortage of things to worry about — from personal concerns about coaching success, job security, performance, fear of losing, or fear of winning etc.? Athletes may also worry about ‘being perfect or making mistakes.’

  • Then there are fears related to larger issues such as funding for athletes, health, injuries and time to recover.

  • Anxiety can be a healthy response to uncertainty and danger, but constant worry and nervousness may be a sign of generalized anxiety disorder.

 Week 2: 

People with generalized anxiety disorder tend to worry about everyday matters. They can't shake the feeling that something bad will happen and they will not be prepared. They may worry to excess about missing an appointment, losing a job, or having an accident. Some people even worry about worrying too much. 

Week 3: 

  • Physical symptoms are common, and can include a’ racing’ heart beat, dry mouth, upset stomach, muscle tension, sweating, trembling, and irritability, loss of focus and concentration.

  • These bodily expressions of anxiety can have a negative effect on physical health. For example, people with generalized anxiety disorder are at greater risk for heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.

 Week 4:

The interactive PDF included in the Dual DVDs, “Ballet for Swimmers” and “Ballet for Athletes”, suggests ‘Enrichment Programs’, which are easily incorporated into programs like: Yoga and ‘Progressive Relaxation’ (PR).PR is a technique developed by American physician Edmund Jacobson in the early 1920s to monitor and control the state of muscular tension. Tension is induced deliberately in each specific muscle, which is then released as attention is paid to the contrast between tension and relaxation. Due to increased stress in modern society, PR is not only valuable in sport training but is also a ‘life time’ skill!’ SEE the September Newsletter for more information about stress and anxiety.


Tip of the Week - October Recap


The Mental Game Training