Tip Of The Week - October Recap

 Coach Monika says… 

Week 1:  Dentists say: Poor oral health could impact performance and training: tooth pain could disrupt sleep and training and that inflammation of the gums could affect the rest of the body, impairing performance.

 Week 2: Just one week of sleeping fewer than six hours per night can lead to serious health issues, including the modification of over 700 genes (Journal of Sleep). 

Week 3: Research has linked short-term sleep deprivation with a tendency to load up on bigger portions, a preference for high-calorie, high-carb foods, and a greater likelihood of choosing unhealthy foods while grocery shopping (Journal of Sleep). Week 4: For those who tend to ‘cram’ for Tests or Final exams in High School, Colleges, and Universities: A study found that just one night of sleep deprivation was linked with signs of brain tissue loss! (Journal of Sleep).


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