Tip of the week - August Recap

Coach Monika says…

Harvard Medical News:

 Week 1:  Skip Most Supplements!

Energy-boosting Supplements – No evidence they work!

Iron: Only improves energy if one is clearly deficient.

  • Have a blood test taken.

  • Unless low in iron, there is no need to take it.

  • Getting too much iron can be harmful.

  • However, according to SIRC (Sport Information Resource Centre, Canada), athletes who train in high intensity and frequency range require 1.3-1.7 times more iron than the general population. Check out how iron level affects your performance.

B vitamins: It is true that B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) help the body convert food into the form of energy that cells can burn but taking more B vitamins doesn’t supercharge the cells – that is a myth.

 Week 2:  Fuel Up Wisely!

  • A sugary roll from the bakery delivers plenty of calories but your body tends to metabolize them faster, and the result is sinking blood sugar and fatigue.

  • Maintain a steadier energy level by eating lean protein and unrefined carbohydrates.

  • Try low-fat yogurt with a sprinkling of nuts, raisins, and honey – the body takes in the carb-fiber-protein mix more gradually.

  • Avoid skipping meals! The body needs a certain number of calories to get through the day’s work.

  • It is better to space meals so the body gets the nourishment needed throughout the day

 Week 3:  Increasing Problem of Ingrown Toenail among Athletes:

  • It is one of the most common sources of foot pain – although usually just a nuisance, it can be a serious problem for anyone with diabetes or circulatory difficulties.

  • The condition develops when the side of the nail digs into the skin, which leads to pain, irritation, swelling, and redness. The big toe is most often affected, although no toe is immune. Get medical advice!

  • The problem usually develops because the nails have not been trimmed properly.

  • Overly tight shoes may also be a factor, and some people have an inherited tendency to develop the problem.

 Week 4:  Warm-up and Cool-down Necessity:

  • Starting the workout with ‘cold’ muscles can lead to injuries.

  • It is important to begin training with the general Warm-up, followed by the specific Warm-up, and end with the Cool-down.

  • The Warm-up should be about 20% of the overall training time BUT depends on the sport activity, age of the individual, and individual need (some athletes need more).

  • The Cool-down should be about 8-10% of the overall training time, and depends on the factors mentioned above, and also on the major muscle groups used during training. This is the beginning phase of the recovery and regeneration.



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