Tip of the Week – April Recap

Coach Monika says…

Researchers state that our ‘Techno age’ nowadays heightens anxiety and stress. How? More and more people feel the pressure and compulsion to keep up with the ever-changing daily information data – afraid to miss out on ‘something’ or maybe having to admit that they are less informed than their friends. Athletes feel compelled to perform well in training, competition/games, in School, College, or University. The state of anxiety may be self-induced (personal ambitions, striving to be ‘the perfectionist’, or is derived from fear of failure or fear of success (syndrome, especially among younger female athletes, according to research), and/or fear of having to repeat previous achieved success. Coaches, on the other hand, face pressures because of expectations by the club, administrators, ambitious parents, and anxiety over job security.NeuroNation, German Brain Training, releases his statement: In stress, the shell of the body tends to function outwardly BUT the inside is ‘consumed’, leading to burnout in the end.So, what can you do when ‘things get over your head’? Here are some suggestions:

Week 1:

Learn to Meditate- At times, we feel like our thoughts are on a ‘merry-go-round’

  • The goal of meditation (method from the Far Middle East), is to induce relaxation ‘in the moment.’

  • Start with concentrating all the senses on the flames of a candle for 20 seconds.

  • Purchase a Meditation CD; assume a resting position on a cushioned surface, close the eyes, and start the process.

  • Use Progressive Relaxation (Refer to this April Newsletter) to manage and reduce stress.

Week 2:

Engage in Creative Activities- Creativity is said to ‘liberate the spirit’

  • Do you feel that your thoughts are ‘running in circles over the same issue?

  • Take up painting, other hobbies (woodworking, knitting, crocheting, fixing a car), decorating something (wall, dresser, lampshade), move the furniture around for a different look.

  • Write down pleasant vacation memories, create a short poem, or play music!

  • The main idea is to get absorbed in the activity to forget the ‘outside’ issues.

Escape the Worries- Go outside into fresh air and walk or jog

  • Although it is a physical activity, it produces relaxation afterwards.

  • Bike or take up Nordic Walking.

  • Fresh air and oxygen provide the cells of the body with energy, and sunlight tends to improve your ‘depressed mood.’

Week 3:

Learn to Use Biofeedback- Becoming aware of the breathing pattern

  • ‘Inhale deeply and consciously’ – feel the way the lungs slowly fill with air – hold several seconds – exhale forcefully

  • Repeat (some have referred to this as ‘express relaxation’).

Measuring the Heart Rate- Slow down your heartbeat

  • This takes some training but start with learning to sense/feel it.

  • The heart rate can be taken at any spot on the body at which an artery is close to the surface and a pulse can be felt.

  • The most common places to measure heart rate using the palpation method is at the wrist (radial artery) and the neck (carotid artery).

  • Measure the pulse and feel every beat.

  • To check the pulse at the wrist, place two fingers between the bone and the tendon over the radial artery — which is located on the thumb side of your wrist. Close the eyes; feel the pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by 4 to calculate the beats per minute.

    • A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness.

    • For example, a well-trained athlete might have a normal resting heart rate closer to 40 beats a minute

  • Keep in mind that many factors can influence heart rate, including:

    • Activity level

    • Fitness level

    • Air temperature

    • Body position (standing up or lying down, for example)

    • Emotions

    • Body size

    • Medications

    • Although there's a wide range of ‘normal’, an unusually high or low heart rate may indicate an underlying problem.

Week 4:

Use Autogenic Training- It banishes worries

  • The objective is to influence spirit and body through ‘positive thinking’.

  • Have a positive self-talk: I am strong; I have no fears; I am breathing calmly and evenly.

  • If thoughts are causing worries, picture a ‘Stop sign.’

 …And here is advice from Warren Buffet, Billionaire Investor. You could twist this to illustrate the same application for the above.

Invest in Yourself – Imagine that you had a car and that was the only car you'd have for your entire lifetime.Of course, you'd care for it well, changing the oil more frequently than necessary, driving carefully, etc. Now, consider that you only have one mind and one body. Prepare them for life, care for them. A person’s main asset is him/herself, so preserve and enhance yourself.


Progressive Relaxation – Top to Bottom


Tip of the Week - March Recap