Tip of the Month - September

Coach Monika says…


‘Stamp Out’ Athlete’s Foot

I have addressed this medical/hygiene related topic some time ago, but it is once again on the rise. Most likely due to budget cuts, locker room cleanliness is not a priority in many places. Broken lockers, cold-water showers, and dirty stalls is the perfect recipe for continued health infested athlete’s foot condition. Many athletes, especially swimmers walk around barefooted from the pool to the lockers and on to the showers. Other athletes are equally negligent or ignorant of the potential infection from poorly kept locker rooms. Here are some pointers from the American Podiatric Medical Association:

  • The fungus underlying the irritation skin condition thrives in moist, warm areas such as public showers, and swimming pools.

  • Flip-Flops may help you to avoid itchy athlete’s foot condition because wearing sandals or flip-flops can prevent contact with fungi-infected surfaces – allowing your feet to breath and stay dry, preventing an infection from taking hold

  • Over-the-counter creams are an easy cure for the common condition, which is usually resolved in four weeks with treatment.

  • However, while you may feel ‘footloose and fancy-free’ you need take steps to prevent athlete’s foot from returning by cleaning your shower shoes frequently.

  • Rinse off your footwear with fresh water, which should remove the fungi.

  • Dry your feet fully after bathing – and never walk barefoot.

  • Athlete’s foot is mildly contagious. It can be spread through direct contact with the infection and by skin particles left on towels, shoes, or floors.

  • The risk of developing athlete’s foot can also depend on your susceptibility.


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