Tip of the Month - May

Coach Monika says…


Dealing with Daily Stress – “Make it Work for You”

Adapted from Harvard Health Publications – Harvard Medical School Modified for Athletes and CoachesRecommendations:

  • When you notice a ‘racing heart’ — for example, before you give a presentation in school, initiate a tough conversation, or before competition (in our case) — visualize that your body is trying to give you more energy. See if you can capitalize on that.

  • If you are feeling nervous, pause to consider the reason, and ask yourself if it’s because you’re doing something that matters to you; thus, reinforcing your values and attributing meaning to your life.

  • Don’t deny the stress, but redirect the energy away from it and toward the task at hand.

  • If you are feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork, training, coaching, etc., try doing some small act of kindness for someone and note the mental reward you reap.

  • Nurture your social networks/teammates/coaching staff. Caring creates resilience.

  • Try to focus on the larger purpose of whatever you’re doing.

  • Don’t pretend that stress doesn’t exist. People who deny it tend to isolate themselves and reinforce their fears. Instead, ask yourself why you’re experiencing this stress and look for any positive aspects to it. Are you learning something from it? Are you gaining strength? Are you connecting with people on a more fundamental level? Do you feel more intensely alive?


Is Praise Destroying Your Child's Performance? (John O'Sullivan)


Psychology of the Young Athlete: Stress-Related Maladies & Remedial Approaches