Tip of the Month - June
Coach Monika says…
Correct and Incorrect Sitting – Things to Bear in Mind
Diagram of correct and incorrect posture while sitting
Ever watch people in shopping malls or just walking about on the street, busy with their ‘tech gadgets’ oblivious to their surroundings? Medical reports have now identified serious health issues associated with the typical slumped posture adopted while scrolling.I am concerned about this because our athletes are no different in their habits, but the effects of addictive behavior has more of an impact on their fitness and performance level. Previously, I wrote about neck soreness and pain linked to incorrect sitting posture while texting, working on the computer, or watching TV – the ‘I-pad neck syndrome’ as I call it.Swiss surgeon, Dr. Gerd Schnack from the Sport and Prevention Center in Zug, Switzerland states that there are about 1000 sitting positions (!) but that people tend to select the unhealthiest ones and tend to remain in those for hours, which can be detrimental to our health. Refer to the June Newsletter for more details.Top Row√ = L side – Correct Sitting Posture
Upright Posture – back straight – head aligned and looking forward (reason computer should be adjusted to eye level)
Slight forward pelvic tilt
Hips and knees at 90-degree angle
Legs slightly apart – feet slightly apart, flat on floor, and facing forward, which automatically places the body in upright position
X = R side – Incorrect Sitting
Body leans forward (slouching)
Restricts (confines) abdomen – contributes to sluggish activity of intestine
Restricts enzyme and lipid metabolism because production of important enzymes is inhibited in the abdominal muscles
Since the stomach area is ‘cramped’ because of incorrect sitting posture the intestine becomes sluggish, and the fat metabolism is obstructed. This is crucial because the abs contribute to the production of important enzymes.
Bottom RowX = L side – Incorrect Sitting
Less than 2/3 of the thighs is placed on the seat of the chair – thigh muscles are over-strained – an upright sitting position is impossible
X = R side – Incorrect Sitting
Incorrect position of the feet – not placed fully and flat on the floor – leading to a tense body position, and stress on muscles and joints
Note: Dr. Gerd Schnack is a surgeon for Sport and Prevention at the Allensbacher Prevention Center, Zug, Switzerland.Reference:Schnack, G. (2018). Meine Gesundheit. Medizin Thema der Woche. Das Geheimnis des gesunden Sitzens. Gesundes Sitzen auf einem Stuhl – alles was Sie dabei beachten sollen [My health. Medical theme of the week. The secret of healthy sitting. Healthy sitting habits on a chair – everything you need to pay attention to], Das Neue Blatt #14. March 28, pp. 24-25, and www.DasNeue Blatt.de