Tip of the Month - January 2021

Coach Monika Says…

Nurturing Motivation


Since this is the beginning of the New Year for sports, we all need a big uplift to keep our energy and spirit flowing. I thought it would be a good idea to collect 12 motivational quotes from poets, writers, famous people, coaches, and/or athletes. Send the monthly quote to athletes and parents and … or when back in training… post the Quote of the Month on a bulletin board or a wall. Have athletes draw or create matching pictures! Get creative because 2021 will be a clouded road ahead.

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Monika’s Personal Quote

I have made this quote by Robert Frost my guiding light throughout my athletic and coaching career. I have always been focused on fairness, ethics, and equity in sport and have subsequently ‘ruffled feathers!’

The poem actually contains more verses but I selected the first and last ones.

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth


I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference 


For Your Library – Good Resources:

Benson, H., & Proctor W. (2010). Relaxation revolution. The science and genetics of mind body healing. NY: Scribner

Bly, D. (1994). Shadows and light (2nd ed. rev). Selections from ‘In the mind’s eye.’ Calgary, AB, Canada. Mind’s Eye Publications.

Bly, D. (1997). Journeys worth taking. Selections from ‘In the mind’s eye.’ Calgary, AB, Canada. Mind’s Eye Publications.

Bly, D. (2003). Steps along the way. Selections from ‘In the mind’s eye.’ Calgary, AB, Canada. Mind’s Eye Publications.

Gendler, R. (1988). The book of qualities (2nd ed.). NY: Harper & Row.

Jones, C. (1999). What makes winners win? Over 100 athletes, coaches, and managers tell you the secret of success. NY: Broadway Books.

Bennett, W.J. (1993). The book of virtues. NY: Simon & Schuster.

Bennett, W.J. (1995). The moral compass. NY: Simon & Schuster.


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