Tip of the Month - December

Coach Monika says…

 Balance is a very important physical component that needs to be developed and trained from very early on. We either use it or lose it! Balance training has become the foundation for optimal performance at any age. Here are some tests to check your athletes’ balance (or your own, for that matter). Also, refer to the December 2017 Newsletter for more details on Balance.Test Your Balance  Tests for Static Balance

  1. Stand on one leg, foot flat, eyes open – hold position for 7 secondsSupport leg is straight – opposite leg is slightly bent and held off the floor

  2. Start in same position, eyes open – hold position for 7 seconds“Stork stand” – knee tucked at side of support leg knee, knee facing forward

  3. Start in same position, eyes open – hold position for 7 seconds“Stork-stand” – knee tucked at side of support leg knee, facing sideways

  4. Same position and test items, eyes closed – hold position for 7 seconds

  5. Same position and test items, on toes, eyes open – hold position for 7 seconds

  6. Same test items and positions on Gym Bench

  7. Same test items and positions on Low Balance Beam

  8. Using Wobble board, Balance disk, Fitness Roller, or Bosu ball

    1. Stand on balance tool – balance standing upright, eyes open – hold as long as possible and time

    2. Stand on balance tool – balance standing upright, eyes closed – hold as long as possible and time

    3. Stand on balance tool – assume balance in half squat position, eyes open – hold as long as possible and time

    4. Stand on balance tool – assume balance in half squat position, eyes closed – hold as long as possible and time

*Note: Always perform the exercises with R and L Foot. You may discover that one leg/foot is more stable.Tests for Dynamic BalanceDesignate the walking distance on the floor with chalk or narrow tape. Walk – visualizing an imaginary tightrope – placing one foot in front of the other, so heel of front foot touches toes of back foot

  1. Walk the line on the floor – eyes open

  2. Repeat same movement – eyes closed

  3. Repeat same movement on toes – eyes open

  4. Repeat same movement on toes – eyes closed


Planning: Why It Matters and How To Do It


Tip of the Month - November