Tip of the Month - October 2020

Coach Monika Says…

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Posted by TrueSport (truesport.org) – Adapted with modifications by Dr. M. Schloder

Teaching young athletes the importance of healthy nutritional snacks and discarding their reliance on fast food or ‘ultra-processed’ snacks isn’t only important for athletic performance but also impacts their overall health. Research shows that snacks – even when necessary – tend to detract from overall nutrition quality. However, that doesn’t have to be the case when choosing nutritious and balanced snack options. The best type of snack for long school days and practices are foods that contain a protein source and carbohydrates. These are easy to pack and eat before or after practice in order to refuel and recharge athletes throughout the day. 

Scrambled Egg Rice Bars 

For competition or game day or just before strenuous practice sessions, topping off carbohydrate stores is crucial. Using sticky sushi rice bars which are carb-focused, and add scrambled eggs (some optional mix-ins, according to preference), and small amount of fat and protein for more long-term fuel without impacting digestion. 

Bonus: Eggs have recently been shown to aid in children’s growth and development.


  • 2 cups sticky rice

  • 4 eggs

  • Optional: low-sodium soy sauce, chopped shallots, shredded cheese


  • Use a rice cooker or cook sushi rice on stovetop according to directions

  • Scramble eggs in frying pan, adding shallots that need to be sautéed

  • Mix eggs, rice, and add-ons together in a big bowl

  • Spread evenly about 1-inch thick on baking sheet covered in wax paper

  • Refrigerate

  • When cool, cut blocks (around 3×3 inches) and individually wrap

  • Keep refrigerated – these should be eaten within three days

Half Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich (PB&J)

For vigorous training such as longer cross-country runs, drill-intensive soccer session, or increased swim yardage, more substantial snacks may be required to fuel athletes throughout the afternoon. Elevate the traditional PB&J sandwich by substituting almond butter, slicing strawberries onto the jam for additional fruit, and choosing bakery-fresh whole grain bread versus white bread (many parents opt for white bread thinking children reject whole grain but they are just as happy with whole wheat, according to studies). Making a sandwich with high-quality ingredients provides the right blend of macronutrients for athletes and is easy to eat quickly.


  • Natural almond butter (with almonds and salt, no added sugars)

  • Jams like Smuckers offer honey-sweetened, no-sugar, and reduced-sugar options; opt for one of those over the sugar-packed generic brand

  • Whole wheat bread (fresh from the bakery, or multigrain bread, found in the freezer section

Greek Yogurt with Dried Fruit and Honey 

Protein-packed Greek yogurt provides longer-term energy while dried fruit offers faster-burning sugars to kick-start practice time or speed up recovery afterwards. Select low or no-fat plain Greek yogurt because its higher fat content is not a problem for breakfast but can lead to some gut distress if eaten ahead of practice – and it won’t help to refuel post-workout recovery. Choose plain yogurt to avoid added sugars and remember that most store-bought flavoured yogurts are packed with more sugar than most nutrition guidelines recommend. Adding honey helps monitor the sweetness of the yogurt while added fresh berries are a better flavour burst.


  • 1 cup plain Greek yogurt (look for 2% fat content for higher protein with fewer harder-to-digest fats)

  • 1 cup mixed berries (opt for what’s in season)

  • 1-2 tablespoons honey or real maple syrup

Building Your Own Trail Mix 

For less explosive efforts like long run days for cross-country or extended practice for hockey players or intense and longer swim training days, trail mix is an easy option before, during, or after workouts to refuel with a mix of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Skip the store-bought sodium and sugar-laden trail mix in favour of the self-prepared version. This way, one avoids added sodium and sugars that can end up on roasted nuts (in the form of M&Ms!). Buy items separately in bulk or consider dehydrating fruits at home. Mix and match some of the trail mix classics and add a few new options for a unique, nutrient-dense mix. Add more dried fruit for longer endurance efforts or keep the mix 50:50 for shorter bursts of energy needed and athletes having to sit around while waiting during competition events or games. 


  • Almonds– few almonds a day have been shown to improve overall diet quality, possibly due to high fibre content, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E

  • Walnuts– younger athletes eating nuts are actually less likely to be overweight, according to studies. Walnuts provide a high dose of much needed Omega-3 fatty acids, which are often missing in young athletes’ nutrition

  • Dried blueberries– are an uncommon addition to trail mix; they boost fibre, vitamins, minerals, fructose, and antioxidants

  • Dried tart cherries– are packed with antioxidants and have been linked to increased recovery for athletes

  • Pumpkin seeds– are a unique blend of protein, fibre, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus when added

  • Banana chips– for a more endurance-based trail mix, banana chips provide a hefty dose of carbohydrates 

Hard-Boiled Eggs – Apple Slices or Banana 

For shorter and/or easier effort training, athletes may not need a hefty snack. This simple snack of hard-boiled eggs is an easy choice since each one boasts seven grams of satiating protein plus fats. Apple slices as carbohydrates provide natural sugars in the form of fructose for more energy boost or add a banana for the amount of carbohydrates needed. 

Stash of Healthier Quick Options 

If lacking time to pack homemade options for younger athletes offer alternative choices for busy days when dinner is waiting at home but they’re hungry immediately after practice:

  • GoGo– squeeze organic fruit and vegetable pouches: these 60-calorie pouches are made up of apple, peach, and sweet potato puree, and contain two grams of fibre per serving for a quick carb boost without a cookie

  • Clif Z Bar Protein– are designed to be child-friendly portions at only 130 calories per serving, and the protein-boosted versions adds five grams of protein to the whole grain bar

  • Organic Valley 1% Chocolate Milk– shelf-stable organic milk provides seven grams of protein per serving while chocolate milk adds the carbohydrate count to about 20 grams. The 130-calorie serving is a ‘quick-hit’ for pre and/or post-practice to hold athletes over if dinner is not happening soon.

Remember to keep quick and simple healthy snacks readily available because athletes are more likely to eat unhealthy treats if they aren’t provided healthy options, even if they’re not hungry.

TrueSport (2020, July 13). Retrieved September 3, 2020, from https://www.usab.com/news-events/news/2020/07/truesport-5-quick-and-easy-snacks.aspx


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